Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Beta #2...

I forgot to post about my 2nd was 75. At first I thought it was good, but then the nurse went on to say that it "wasn't where they wanted it.." and I freaked and had a meltdown. But the sweet girls on the bump Nov 2011 board made me feel so much better, introducing me to the site. Turns out, my #s did double, and in the time they should have. I go back next Monday for a third test, hopefully it will be good! I hope we'll get our ultrasound scheduled then, too. I can't wait to go back to my regular OB/GYN, his office is much easier to deal with, and I love my doctor, he's so funny and makes me so relaxed. I believe they will release me from the RE at 8 weeks, and they do a "send off" with the ultrasound and an appointment.


  1. Congratulations!!! So exciting :)

  2. Thank you!! :) I actually just talked to a different nurse a little while ago who made me feel sooo much better. She said the #s were low at first because I was only 10DPO, they normally don't do it until 14DPO and then 50 is a good #, so 75 at 13DPO is good! :) Hopefully Monday's will go well! :) Thanks again

  3. That's great news! I bet you wish they would have clarified that at the beginning but at least you know now and aren't worrying.
