Last night I spotted a tiny bit. (TMI warning...) DH & I were headed to bed. I went to the bathroom and wiped, and there was a tiny bit of brown discharge. I freaked, just stared at it for a minute, and then DH came in and asked what it was. I explained it and tried not to cry, but I did anyways. Tried to go to bed, and ended up getting up 4 or 5 times to go to the bathroom to check. The next 2 times there was a teeny tiny bit of pink. I mean minuscule. But I still freaked again, brown, ok well thats old, but WTF is this pink?? I ended up getting sick to my stomach, 1 because I was nauseous all day, but 2 because I was freaking out. Went to bed a little bit later.
When I woke up, I called out of work, and waited until 9 to call the doc's office. I left a message with one of the nurse receptionist, and a nurse called me back in a 1/2 hour. Thankfully I got a positive one, she was really nice and didn't give me the whole end of the world talk. She talked about the nausea first, gave me the whole "saltines saltines saltines" talk. She said when I come in they can also discuss vitamins and possibly meds. I'm hoping to ask about B6, my sister took it and it helped her a ton. She then went on to ask about the spotting, and asked about cramping, which I explained I haven't had anything bad. I have had a little bit, but its been since we got our BFP. She said it was possibly from the last time we had sex, but that was almost a week ago. She was able to move up our ultrasound from Monday 4/4 to tomorrow at 1:55. DH was ablet o switch days at work so he can come. I'm praying and hoping all is well. I also posted on the Bump, and got so much support. I love you Bump girls!!! So nice to be able to go some where that other people understand how I'm feeling. I'll post tomorrow, hopefully with good news and a picture of our little sweet pea!!
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